Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Oops...I did it again!

I tell my clients over and over to prepare - prepare for the week, prepare for a cleanse, prepare before you go to the grocery store.  Well yesterday I was given a personal reminder - MENTALLY PREPARE BEFORE YOU MAKE A CHANGE!  Yesterday I started my cleanse week.  I had crowded out coffee, sweets and chocolate.  I had made a meal plan.  I had gone to the grocery store.  I had even prepped the veggies and made a soup.  I even went to the gym the day before and did a hard workout so Tuesday would be my off day.  I thought I was prepared to start.  What I had not done was cleared my stress calendar! 

I am a routine person and I like things a certain way.  I had been gone for a few weeks and my husband and I keep the house differently.  So part of my preparation for the cleanse should have included lessening my stress by getting the house back in order before I start the cleanse.  Why?  Because when you are working on losing weight and/or detoxifying your body, you want to eliminate stressors.  Most of us are emotional eaters.  Stress wears on us and then clouds our judgement.  For me, stress makes me tired and then I don't want to eat or cook.  Then a migraine comes in full force with nausea and pain.  Then it is lying in bed and take out.

So this morning, I am cleaning up the kitchen and the house so I can function in my day to day and restart the cleanse.  By making this new plan, I feel good and excited about starting again!  I look forward to the results.

Remember, stress causes us to make poor eating choices and eating healthy helps us deal with stress better.  This is why working on your primary foods is just as important as eating more fruits and vegetables.  When something gets in your way of success, deal with it and make a plan to move on!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Diet or Live It

Today I am frustrated and saddened.  We are currently living in a world where quality food and education are a luxury expense instead of a necessity.  We spend BILLIONS of dollars on doctors and health care that does nothing to improve our health!  Every year we complain and grumble about the lack of improvement in our health and how expensive a doctor visit is, but we keep seeing the same doctor year after year feeling worse and worse.  At the same time, we refuse to spend a little extra money at the grocery store for foods that are filled with nutrients the body needs to live, foods that have been around for thousands of years and foods that we know are better for us.

Do you know that if you take the money AWAY from your doctor and put it in your own hands as money for food (organic, whole, and raw foods) and tools for health (i.e. a water filtering system, a juicer and a Health Coach) a few things will happen:
1.  Your health will improve.  This is a guarantee.  God created food specifically to feed our body just as it is.  Our body knows exactly what to do with that food and our body can heal itself. 
2.  Doctors will start paying attention to what we want and need.  Right now doctors are overwhelmed.  They are constrained by their education (or lack thereof), company rules, the insurance industry and the "big money" pharmaceutical industry.  They are listening to the loudest voices.
3.  The price of real whole foods will go down.  Our government (the exact same people who create the food pyramids) currently subsidizes corn, beef and dairy farmers.  If consumers refuse to spend their money where there is a lack of nutrients and start shopping with local organic farmers and at farmer's markets, we will see a shift in how much food costs and what becomes more readily available.

Please find out where there is an organic farm, co-op, health food store and farmer's market near you.  Begin to change your purchasing habits.  Take your family to see where their food comes from.  Learn how to read labels and what to look for.  Ask your grocery store manager if they have a nutrition expert or food ambassador on-site to help you make healthy choices.  Take charge of your life and demand the best!  When you budget for groceries, include expenses like education and supplements.  If your budget is too tight for healthy foods, look at other areas you can improve (start cleaning with vinegar and baking soda instead of all those other products) and put the saved money in your grocery budget.

We can make a difference!

Patti Porter
My Healthy Helper

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Authentic Friendships

"Let us consider how we may spur one another toward love and good deeds." Hebrews 10:24 and "Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed.  The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." James 5:16.  In these two scriptures, God shows us the importance of community and encouragement.  I started thinking about how this is not only essential to a healthy spiritual life and growth, but also to improving your health and losing weight.  I call this Primary Foods. 

What words describe your relationship life?

Community - Do you have authentic friends you can confess your challenges to?  Do you have a network of love and support?

Encouragement - What encourages you?  Who are the supportive people in your life?  Do you encourage yourself by celebrating your victories?

What stops us from reaching out to others?

Now I encourage you to find someone you can be open and honest with and confess.  Write your confession on a piece of paper.  Pray together, lifting your confession up to the foot of the cross.  Let it go by ripping it up as you hear the words: "God has forgiven you, God loves you, and so do we."  Thank God in all things!

Monday, February 11, 2013

What's Love Got To Do With It

I am re-posting this from last year!

Who's idea was it to put Valentine's Day and Heart Health in the same month?

Why does it matter?

Valentine's Day is associated with chocolate and candy (aka SUGAR).  I have talked about sugar before, but do you know how it relates to Heart Disease? 

Excess sugar is converted to fat - most of our body fat comes from ingested sugar, not ingested fat.  This conversion is facilitated by insulin.  Here's the process:

Carbohydrates are broken down to glucose (sugar) in our body, and this raises our blood sugar.  Insulin is then secreted by the pancreas to lower our blood sugar, but in the process, insulin promotes storage of fat and the elevation of cholesterol levels.  Insulin also inhibits the breakdown of (loss of) previously stored fat.  Insulin tends to block lipolysis, the conversion of fat back to glucose.  So, individuals with elevated insulin levels have a more difficult time burning fat for energy.  Insulin is now recognized as causing the development of arteriosclerotic plaques in or on the walls of blood vessels.  In addition, insulin is now known to cause cardiac enlargement, or left ventricular hypertrophy (the chamber involved in 99% of heart attacks). 

Heard enough?  Here are some alternatives to sweeten up your Valentine's Day!

Chocolate Ice Cream (4 servings)
4 bananas, peeled
4oz unsweetened chocolate
3 Tbsp water
In a bowl, mash the bananas.  Melt chocolate with water in the top of a double boiler.  Add melted chocolate and water to bananas, stir and freeze before serving.

Banana Tortilla
1 (6-inch) wheat tortilla
2 Tbsp natural peanut butter
1 banana
2 Tbsp raisins
Lay tortilla flat.  Spread peanut butter and honey on tortilla.  Place banana in the middle and sprinkle in the raisins.  Wrap and serve.

Banana Cheesecake in a Cup (serves 4)
1 cup large curd cottage cheese
2 ripe bananas, frozen
1/4 tsp vanilla extract
1 Tbsp honey
4 tsp chopped toasted pecans
Puree cottage cheese in a blender or food processor until smooth.  Add frozen bananas, vanilla and honey, processing just until bananas are incorporated.  Divide into small bowls.  Sprinkle with chopped pecans and cinnamon; serve immediately.

Seasonal Fruits
Bananas - year round
Grapefruit and Oranges - December to March
Pears and Tangerines - November to February

My Healthy Helper

NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT? Join the 14 Day Cleanse Program starting in March!!

Friday, February 8, 2013

My Healthy Helper Programs, 14 Day Cleanse

This is the third of the programs available through My Healthy Helper.

The 14 Day Cleanse Program is a great jump start to your weight loss. If you are currently taking medication, it is safe to continue taking your medications during this cleanse.  This cleanse is great for detoxing and should be done before you start a weight loss program.  I also recommend doing this program 2-4 times a year! 

The first week is about crowding out.  You will replace all your beverages with water (if you are a coffee drinker, you can have green tea this week).  You will also replace all your white flour, breads, pastas and white rice with whole grains.  You will replace fast food and processed foods with homemade meals (recipes included).  Your green leafy vegetable intake will be increase.  During this week, you will prepare for the second week by cleaning out all the junk from your kitchen, making a fruit & veggie wash (recipe included), and preparing foods on a prep day.

The next seven days is a plant-based food meal plan (included with recipes) that eliminates all animal products, caffeine, sugar, alcohol and gluten.  The meal plan is created to cleanse the colon, liver and kidneys.  This will help eliminate toxins from the body, aid digestion, improve the immune system and jump start your body's weight loss.

At the end of the cleanse program, you will have begun losing weight and have more energy. You will slowly begin re-introducing grains and dairy (if you want!!) back into your diet.  For some, this can be a perfect time to go gluten or dairy-free.  The week after the cleanse will include time to reflect on how your body feels and what you want to do next for your health.  Many will choose to step up their efforts and start buying organic foods and eliminating other unhealthy toxins from their life, like cleaning products, after completing this cleansing program. 

The cost of this program is $45.  That includes:
Meal plans
A pre-cleanse consultation
Unlimited personal email support
Group support through a weekly Q&A conference call
The 14 Day Cleanse Program PDF guide
Daily motivational emails
A private follow up consultation

This is a group program that runs monthly.  The space is limited in each group and you must register at least a week before the start date.  The next available program begins Saturday, March 16th (Registration closes at the end of the day March 9th) and the first Q&A conference call will be that day at 10am CST.

To learn more or to register for any of My Healthy Helper's programs, please contact:
Patricia Porter at 630-697-6932 or

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Support and Encouragement

Living a balanced life should not be lived alone!

As with everything else in life, it is important to have supportive people around you when you are on the weight loss journey.  Family and friends that are encouraging and will also listen to your struggles are more than a tool needed to succeed.  They are a necessity.  Do you have someone you can share the ups and downs with? 

There are many groups of people going through the same or similar challenges and achievements that you can join.  Besides, my 8-week group coaching, there are groups on Facebook, local bible studies (look for a group doing First Place 4 Health) and support groups on

As your coach, I am here to encourage, motivate and support.  I am willing and able to answer questions and lend an ear.  It is important for me to hear the challenges you are having.  This is your journey and I am here to help, teach and guide you!  Share with me how you like to be encouraged in the comments below!!

One key suggestion I can give you early on in your journey:

Celebrate your victories.  During Week 1 of my one-on-one coaching, I give clients the assignment of replacing their regular beverages with water all week.  This can be an easy step or it can be a major challenge, depending on the person.  Either way, when you make the effort and replace that first beverage with a glass of water, you have accomplished the very first step to achieve your ultimate weight loss goals.  CELEBRATE!!  When a baby starts pulling itself up to stand and then starts to take steps, even when assisted, parents pull out the video camera, call their family and friends, post videos on Facebook, jump up and down clapping and shouting...this may seem silly, but CELEBRATE EVERY LITTLE ACHIEVEMENT!!

I look forward to hearing about your successes and challenges.  Don't forget to post a comment about how you like to be encouraged!!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013


I have a few people ask me about smoothies lately, so here are a few of the recipes I use in my diet and in my programs.  If you don't have a blender or a Magic Bullet or Nutri-Bullet, I suggest getting a personal-sized blender, like the Hamilton Beach one they sell at Wal-Mart for $15. 

Smoothies make great on-the-go breakfasts or snacks.  If you are having a smoothie for breakfast, be aware that some smoothies have a lot of fruit in them and that means a lot of sugar (even though it is natural sugars in the fruit).  I recommend either saving these smoothies for an afternoon pick-me-up or pairing it with plenty of whole grains and vegetables to lower the impact on your blood sugars.

Spinach Smoothie: (Makes 1-2) Blend 1 cup spinach, ½ cup pineapple chunks, ½ cup plain Kefir, 1 medium banana, 1 cup water.  For more nutrients, I recommend replacing 1/2 cup of water with 1/2 cup Bolthouse 100% Carrot Juice.

Cilantro Surprise Smoothie:  Blend 1 cup almond milk, 1 cup coconut water, 1 cup papaya or frozen mango, 1 cup cilantro, 8 large fresh or frozen strawberries, 4 dates until smooth. *This is a great detoxing smoothie for removing metals from the body. 

Big Breakfast Smoothie:  (Makes 2) Blend 3/4 cup water, 1 banana, 1 Tbsp ground flaxseed, 3 cups spinach,  1 apple (peeled and cored), 1/2 cup pineapple, 1/4 avocado, 2 Roma or vine tomatoes, and 1 whole carrot.

Spicy Blood Mary Lover's Smoothie:  (Makes 1-2) Blend 8 vine or roma tomatoes on high.  Add 2 large red bell peppers, 1-2 white onion slices, 4 large celery stalks, 1 Tbsp ground flaxseed, 1 tsp celery salt, 1 Tbsp chili powder, dash cayenne pepper, and 1/4 avocado.

Fruit Smoothie:  Blend 1/2 cup plain unsweetened almond milk, 1 Tbsp ground flaxseed, 1/4 cup frozen blueberries, 1/4 banana, and 1/2 cup ice.

Main Squeeze Summer Smoothie:  (Makes 2) Blend 1 1/2 cups ripe strawberries, hulled and sliced, 1 cup raspberries, 1 banana, peeled and sliced, 1 cup orange juice (preferably freshly squeezed).

Apple Pie Smoothie:  (ice optional)  Peel and cut one apple.  Combine apple with 2 Tbsp wheat germ, 3/4 cup plain yogurt, tsp pure vanilla extract, sprinkle cinnamon or apple pie spice.

The above smoothie recipes and more can be found in the My Healthy Helper cookbook! 

If you have a juicer, Dr Oz has a great Kale, Pineapple and Ginger Detox recipe:  Juice 1/2 cup pineapple, 2 large cucumbers, 1 bunch kale without the skins (4 cups chopped), 1/2 lemon squeezed, 1/4 inch of ginger and 1 bunch of mint (1/2 cup).